Old MGB, Ancaster Swap Meet

This was a lovely and very old (my guess is a ’64 or ’65) MGB… the view doesn’t show it well, but it had a nice tonneau cover, but I think that what drew me to it was its colour – I’ve included a little “chart” on the lower left hand side to give youContinue reading “Old MGB, Ancaster Swap Meet”

1971 Airstream, Blue Mountain

A quick sketch of “Oscar” – a 25′ (guess) Airstream Land Yacht that Evelyn and I booked this past weekend (Hallowe’en). Oscar was parked on a farm on top of Blue Mountain. The weather, as it turned out, was awful – we hit solid cloud (well – fog) at Orangeville and it only got worseContinue reading “1971 Airstream, Blue Mountain”

Jaguar XJ220

A long awaited sketch from a brilliant show I went to about a month and a half ago. This was a show at the Canadian Heritage Warplane Museum in Hamilton, and it was a show dedicated to Jags, not planes, though Evelyn and I spent about half our time toddling through the amazing aircraft andContinue reading “Jaguar XJ220”

British Car Day, 2017

yeah, I know – it’s a Honda S600. First one I’ve seen in the flesh – and where was it? Just at the end of the line of Deloreans beside a pristine S600 Coupé. They weren’t properly “displayed” as part of the show, but were somewhat cheekily parked just close enough to the action toContinue reading “British Car Day, 2017”

Fiat Spider in progress

Another sketch from the garage where my Alfa had its bodywork done. I got the car back last week, and they guys did a beautiful job on the dent and gave the car a clay bar treatment which really brought up the look of the pain beautifully. And it’s sunny out – I’m off forContinue reading “Fiat Spider in progress”